Bowlers > Dennis Michael > Fall 08 > Oct. 29, 2008


Heavy oil, Ha!! Struggled all night keeping the ball on the right side. It was impossible for me. Then, I moved left, and made everything worse.


Game 1

Score: 147
Pair: 7-8

Started with a beautiful pocket strike, and that was the last time I saw it. 4 opens, 2 were splits, and NO doubles. just horrible. I even picked up 2 splits. A 2-10 and a 3-10.

Game 2

Score: 141
Pair: 7-8

Had to move left and change balls. that's when more trouble started. Swinging my arm, early rotation, pulling across. I really have trouble playing that line.
The old guy at the counter mentioned I released the ball a foot outside of my leg, and my arm plane was not straight. I would push my arm out in the release. Everything was wrong.
Again, 4 opens and no doubles, 2 splits opens.

Game 3

Score: 187
Pair: 7-8

Another ball, and I don't have any others. My plastic would have been better.
Really focused on keeping arm straight and stop early rotation, but still couldn't keep the ball right. I actually got a Turkey, but still had 3 opens with 1 split.

Glad this night is over.


Overall Stats

Games 3  
Average 158.3 158.3


Brandon Abenes

2008/10/29 2:31 p.m.

Dennis, Like me i have hard time playing the inside line because i have tendency to pull that ball - thinking it wont come back, when i know i should trust it but dont.

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