

Game 1

Score: 176
Pair: 7-8

Game 2

Score: 190
Pair: 7-8

Game 3

Score: 181
Pair: 7-8


Overall Stats

Games 3  
Average 182.3 182.3


Mark Georg

2008/09/24 9:58 a.m.

Stance left, throwing over 2nd arrow. Lots of pocket hits, lots of 7 pins left over. It seemed that the pins that would have knocked over the 7 were hitting each other and bouncing away. Throwing hooks at most spares except throwing a straight house ball with a tiny bit of hook at any combination of 6-9-10.

Chris Marasti-Georg

2008/09/25 3:39 p.m.

You can leave 7 pins with slightly high hits, or slightly light ones. High hits cause the headpin to hit more of the side of the 2 pin, which hits more of the front of the 4 pin, which causes the pin to go straight back behind the 7. Opposite happens on a light hit - 2 pin goes back, and either hits the 4 pin on the side, causing it to end up in front of the 7 pin, or missing the 4 pin completely. Then the headpin would come off the wall and knock out the 4, leaving the 7.

Mark Georg

2008/09/29 9:06 a.m.

If only I could see in slow motion. Probably slightly high though. The pocket hit, not me.

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