Bowlers > justin.liebetrau > monday mens > 650 (2010-03-29)


heavy oil inside 15, usual dry outside 12


Game 1

Score: 225
Pair: 25-26

hit 7 out of 8. pocket 7 pin in 9 and 10. missed spares in 9 and 10. left it inside in the 9th spare and wide in the 10th spare. used cell pearl. stood at 39, put it over between 14 - 16, break around 10. had good area.

Game 2

Score: 206
Pair: 25-26

got caught in transition with the carry down. tried going around the oil and then tighten up the line moved inside. decent with the tighter line, but was finishing late with cell pearl. used mission with inside line. 25 was slicker and had to play slow with max axis. 26 a little looser, medium axis.

Game 3

Score: 219
Pair: 25-26

stayed consistant with end of 2nd game. on 26 stood about 39 over 17-18 out to 14. on 25 was at 37 same line with slower speed


Overall Stats

Games 3  
Average 216.7 216.7


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